Fasting day 2

Fasting Day 2

Water fasting is easier if you have fasted before. First timer hang in there!!!

 Second day is usually easy for some, but for some it is exhausting. Body needs to rest and sleep. Try to really give into what body wants not eating :)

I personally intake caster oil on day 2, so whatever I need to let go my body co-operates. Please stay home or closer to a bath room. Ayurveda defines induced purgation as Verechana. It is great to get rid of all that is clogging the lower channels. It is induced diarrhea which helps clear any digestive issues and clears left over crap in you colon and small intestine.

Usually strong purgatives are used, I personally use castro oil as other herbal purgatives tends to suck in water from intestines it is not super healthy to dry out internal organs. By evening depending on how your body is going to react you should be able to feel clear, energetic and lightness over all.

Just like Vamana, Purgation therapy has three stages, stage one bowl movement tends to be with a lot of gassiness. Bowl movements are random and may be with burning sensation or not depending on what dosha was excess and how you clear them. 

Keep hydrating, this is where I add strawberries and cucumber, coconut water. hang in there for one more day. Your tongue may feel really thick and bad breath. Shower, keep it short so it is not exhausting. Rest!!!

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