Spring Self Detox Day 1

Day 1

Start cleaning!
Easy way to detox is to clean your space, garage, storage areas. Small spaces which could be crammed with unwanted and unused things. You never know what makes its way into our normal lives and we hoard things which is unwanted. we accumulate so many unwanted things, this clutters our beautiful space, and then our energy.Quit thinking you will use it at some point in future. All the clutter accumulated  stays in the place we left of for years and then we struggle with weight loss, depression, emotional heaviness  not feeling light.
In my experience I have always known universe provides you all that you need for this moment. Ask yourself can you live  just for one day?  cleaning all the spaces possible in your home and get to know what is your weakness, what do you hoard or have extras. Give them away, donate!

I was used to keeping a trunk full of clothes , assuming I will drive to nearest Good Will some day and for months it used to sit in my car. Very soon I started to experience head ace for no reason while I drove around. It took experience to figure out , everything around us has energy. It is crucial to feel light, no journey will be easy and happy with hands full of bags and heavy emotions. We carry loads of " he said" "she said" and emotional drama which runs again and again like a broken record player. 

Clean your mind! Let Go!

Beginning  with spring cleaning your living space can initiate your detox in the right mind set.

Lets start clean up today!!!…. throw away all that you do not need, trust me it feels awesome. Resit the mind which says " I will keep this for someone" or "I will use it later” if you have not used till now it is very less likely that you will ever use it.

Lets detox together!!!

I just moved into new home in February and I have a lot of un-opened boxes which I needed to clean out of my Garage. If you work and have no time during the weekday, Please make sure to find an hour or 2 to clean your home on weekends. It sets the foundation on how we treat ourself.

 Cheers to a brand new you!

Lets continue with our detox tomorrow!




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