Modules for 18 weeks

Week 1

Learn history of Yoga, and the styles which are practiced today.

How Ayurveda is related to Yoga, How meditation and pranayama can be foundation of every practice.

Study on Surya Namaskara and its benefits.

Daily Routine to follow

Week 2

Introduction to Ayurveda and doshas.

Learn what your individual dosha is and how to practice yoga for different doshas.

Deeper understanding on breathing and alignment in Namaskara. 

3 movements of spine and poses associated with it.Learn variations for 7 Namaskara.

Benefits of early rising and morning practices.

Week 3

Introduction to Rajayoga meditation and our original essence

How to develop power from within

Learn basics of mantras and meditation on sounds of each mantras and its benefits.

Karma Philosophy and introduction to yoga sutras

Anatomy of spine, Standing poses and Balance

Week 4

How to Modify, Chair yoga

How to plan a creative class according personal needs

Pancha maha butha, dive deeper into Ayurvedic principles

Learn Seasonal changes and modification of diet and practice.

Week 5

Yoga sutras, ethics, 8 Limbs of Yoga

Introduction to Chakras, Difference between Eastern and western philosophy

Hamstrings and lower back

Benefits of eating hot and fresh food

Anatomy of Shoulders and pelvis, learn arches feet and palms

Week 6

Difference between western and eastern Yoga .

How emotions can affect our perception

Value of a teacher, Introduction to Bhagvath gita (Life Science)

Seated poses (Practice)

Week 7

Self study Homework and review on things learnt Q&A

Ayurvedic concept on Agni , how digestion works

Hip & Heart openers

Bhagvath Gita and chapters   

Week 8

Indian Philosophy

Corporate setting Yoga, Difference in studios, clubs and Corporate setting yoga

Soul Powers and reasons for energy depletion

3 hours of Yoga Practice

Week 9

Learn 7 Different namaskara for each day of the week. How to bring about the energy of each planet into your everyday lifestyle.

Astrological explanation and Introduction to each planet 

Benefits of pauses during practice

Essence of Shavasana

Week 10

Guide to Nithya Vidi, Ritu charya

Thoughts and how you can design your destiny

Pranayama and its benefits 


Week 11

Learn time management for 60 mins and 75 mins class

Disscusion on Shruti-Sadhana

Yoga sutras

Ethics and Life style of a yogi

Week 12

Just straps and Blocks

Restorative Poses

Importance of Chanting and Mantras


Week 13

Core and Pelvis Anatomy, Twisting asanas

Use of Props for poses

Art of Cue-ing


Week 14


Private and Group setting

Explore Different classes in studios and clubs 

Week 15

Injuries & modifications

Observing other teachers and Classes

Practical Test

Week 17

Practice and Theory

Discussions Q&A

Take home test

Week 18

Business of Yoga, How to promote and perks from YA

My experience


 (10 hours added extra for make up lessons)


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