Meditation Classes

Meditation Online 

Are you living a busy scheduled lifestyle?

Are you stressed and restless with an unstoppable mind? 

Are you looking for some inner peace? 

Are you curious about whether you can and how to meditate? 

You can access our classes, from the luxury of your home via Skype. At VINAYAM, you are welcome, along with your story and your journey. The practice of meditation creates an awareness of oneness and inner stillness. At VINAYAM, you will gain a sense of your personality. Empower yourself by learning about your own mind. 

Modern technology, like Skype, provides us an amazing opportunity to access such deeper knowledge even when we are miles apart! That's why Vinaya Saunders provides private meditation instruction online!

60 mins lesson via skype $150

Mudra meditation 90mins workshop (online)

Expand your knowledge into Mudra's, If you have a racing mind, want some inner stillness, and have a hard time focusing, then this is for you. Add Mudras into your daily routine. Mudras are simple hand movements. When done in a seated position, they can cause natural feelings that arise from our heart center to spring up into our consciousness.  Yoga teachers can add Mudras into your yoga sequencing for diving deeper into your practice or your students' practice. Meditate on mudras to bring awareness on the self and how feelings arise. This practice, when incorporated in daily activity, can bring phenomenal insights into one's self.

It is a great way to reduce stress and bring peace and tranquility.


 Learn the power of Breath 90 mins workshop (Online) 

Pranayama is the most efficient way of bringing physical, mental, and emotional balance into your life. According to research, working a desk job for a year can make you a shallow breather. Breath is the only thing which keeps us connected to body.

Vinaya offers an online Pranayama Breathing workshop, It is a 90 minute workshop. 

Sign up to know benefits of conscious Breathing ~ how and when to do it.

The instruction includes a link to my video of all Pranayama Breath techniques for your home practice.

Schedule an appointment today!

Register now 


10 Weeks Power of practical meditation (online)

 I created this program for people with busy minds who have hard time handling their stressors in day to day life. All the techniques are designed to bring awareness on that one person who matters the most, that is --YOU.  Lessons are built to accommodate busy schedules, to take you from “how to sit in meditation”  through the process of learning to find that space of relaxation any moment you want. I will help you in finding inner peace and practical tips I use in my practice to be calm.

After Completion of this program you can:

  • Discover new ways to deal with anxious thoughts and overwhelming situations.
  • Feel more aware in every moment and process called life.
  • Gain an inner sense of gratitude and new tools to respond with.  
  • Learn to accept and relax, remain open to discomfort with compassion.
  • Practice forgiveness and erase habitual negative thought patterns. 
  • Tackle toxic personality traits to keep your energy in balance. 

This program is for you if:

  • You are tired often and un-grounded.
  • If you want to slow down your racing mind, if there is stress and tension involved in your day to day life.
  • If you have felt lonely and are looking for a deeper connection with yourself.
  • If you are weighed down by a never ending “to-do list”
  • If you are challenged by a transition in your life.
  • If you have a person or situation with negativity and do not know how to overcome

To get most out of this program, attending all sessions are important. Intention setting and questions to reflect and journaling is offered after every session. Yoga poses and breathe work should be practiced everyday with committed time for stillness. 

10 weeks of 60 mins sessions 


Bhagvath Gita Lessons 

I created these sessions, not on religious content. This ancient text has been a great influence in my life for several years. I started with chanting of Gita in my Middle school and continued through out my High school years with out understanding how it can relate to life.

This is a program that was successful with several of my clients to truly make a transformation inside out. Although the subject is vast we will work on the surface of learning the gist of it according to our life scenarios right now.  Bhagvath Gita is a book that is alive, I have had unbelievable experiences that show up in may day to day event of what I call as , "BG Curve ball". Each chapter allows you to work on things that we sometimes disregard as our patterns.  Everyday events seem to be a test to acknowledge and reveal what needs to be our response to situations. It provides us time to reflect and analyze our reactions. 

* We will not be chanting sanskrit shlokhas.  Sometimes the translation gets lost when going from Sanskrit to English so we will need to use Sanksrit words to explain.

* Chapters will be discussed as stories and motivations. 

*18 chapters will be discussed in 20 sessions, hence it is not verse by verse. 

 *Every chapter has a deeper meditation that will take your spiritual practice to a higher understanding. Visual and guided  meditations are all part of the session. 

*Each session reveals to you a mirror of your inner self allowing you to access your patterns and behaviors. 

*Pdf notes will be sent to you for each session. There will be material to work on as home work.

 *There will not be any recordings please be mindful before committing. It is very important for me to transfer what I have learnt in a deeper meaningful way. Recorded lessons may give you access to listen at your leisure, however it will not allow for us to discuss life situations that needs to be addressed.

* It is a very sacred aspect of my life, I am blessed to be guided to offer these lessons for today's stressful life situations. Allow it to be personal rather than just another program that you enroll into. 

 Private one-one-one 60 mins 

$100/ session

Work Place Meditation courses

Vinaya Saunders has been teaching Meditation and Self-management sessions and conducting events in professional setting for over 3 years now. She has been part of wellness week and conducted meditation event in The White House, Finnegan and several other companies to name a few. This is a on-going session where we meet once a week to reduce stress in work environment. Meditation session are typically offered during lunch break it is a great way to create space for some quietness, inner peace, de-stress and bring awareness to self. Due to this inner engineering the mind is calm employees learn to breath well and develop tolerance and patience. 

For more Information 

contact me


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