Services offered

Yoga and Energy Healing Therapy combination: 

This is for anyone struggling with physical pain and fear of functioning. Unknown mystery of aches and pains. When your pains are unresolved, you have been feeling stiff and taking pain killers to survive,  MRI's  shows no significant problems. Then this is exactly what you are looking for.  Energy healing therapy works on mental issues that get stored in our physical layer and cause aches and pains of unknown reasons. Yoga helps in releasing stuck emotions in deeper tissues and helps you over come all kinds of physical discomforts. 

We meet two times in a week, once for 60 mins Yoga and once for 60 mins Healing session.

$2500 (You will notice difference in 30days) ( results vary individually)

Energy Healing and Ayurvedic Cleanse. 

This is for anyone who is going through anxiety and depression of any kind. We focus mainly on gut cleansing and emotional healing. Any trauma that is held in tissues that is unresolved. You wake up to feeling low or do not feel like yourself. 

All unresolved emotions of grief, feeling of rejection, unloved, guilt, can be addressed with combination of clearing gut and adding a session of energy healing therapy it mainly effective in all kind of negative emotions. 

Ayurvedic cleanse +Energy Healing therapy  (3-6 months)

We meet one time for online consultation and 60 mins session every week for 10 weeks( results vary individually)

 $2000( results vary individually)

Energy Healing Therapy and Power of practical meditation. 

Anyone who is struggling with past thoughts. Has life issues filled with drama. Anxiety and depression that is diagnosed and unresolved. 

Struggles with any kind of addictions. General elevated stressed lifestyles. People struggling with Hypertension issues, cardiac issues can all be helped with combination of Energy therapy and meditation. Meditation helps in focusing on particular life problem that you are going through and Energy Healing Therapy can melt it away, so you can feel lighter and carry on your life journey with freedom.

Meditation session + Energy Healing therapy $2500 

We meet once a week for meditation and once for healing therapy ( results vary individually)

Holistic way to address Mental issues.

Anytime you feel you are mentally exhausted and have unresolved mental issues, Schedule a personal session to figure out how you can resolve mental issues holistically. There are no medications or side effects. If you or your loved ones are suffering from any kind of mental issues that is not a medical emergency can be addressed with Healing therapy. All kind of anxiety and depression issues can be well managed with Energy healing therapy. Schedule your session today. 

combination of all energy healing techniques 

 $2000 We connect once  a week for 10 Weeks 

 ( results vary individually)

Stress Buster ( reduce your stress, emotionally, mentally and physically)

If you have high stress job, or have been advised to lower your stress, This is a great option.

We meet two times in a week for a period of 3 months, we use combination of meditation, Yoga, breathing techniques and Healing session to combat your stress from all areas of your life. Gain control over your body and mind, connect with your body's methods of naturally healing all systems. 

Try it to see the difference.  


All the above services are, not  included in Insurance. 


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